Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
buildscript | String | - | |
clean | boolean | - | Pass -clean to the command line client Default value is: true. |
config | String | - | Default value is: builtin://Demo Configuration. |
data | File | - | |
exclude | String | - | Specifies packages and classes to be excluded during testing
delimited by commas |
excludes | List | - | |
failOnViolation | boolean | - | Fail the build by returning a non-zero exit code if any violations
are reported Default value is: false. |
filters | String | - | |
ignoreErrors | boolean | - | Set to true if you don't want to kill the build when an error
occurs Default value is: false. |
importArgument | String | - | Argument for the -import option Default value is: .. |
include | String | - | Specifies packages and classes to be included during testing
delimited by commas |
includes | List | - | |
javaHome | String | - | |
jtestHome | String | - | |
jtestSkip | boolean | - | Skips Jtest execution Default value is: false. |
jtestTimeout | long | - | Timeout in seconds (default 30 minutes), use 0 for no timeout Default value is: 1800. |
localsettings | File | - | Reads the local setting file for global preferences, such as Report
Center, email, and Team Server settings Default value is: ${project.basedir}/localsettings.properties. |
noImport | boolean | - | Skip the workspace import stage Default value is: false. |
nobuild | boolean | - | Prevents rebuilding the project before testing it Default value is: false. |
prefs | String | - | |
project | MavenProject | - | (no description) |
publish | boolean | - | Publishes the reports to the Team Server Default value is: false. |
report | String | - | Relative path to destination for report file Default value is: target/site/parasoft/test.html. |
resources | List | - | |
showdetails | boolean | - | Prints detailed test progress information Default value is: false. |
skip | boolean | - | skip parasoft test Default value is: false. |
test | String | - | Add this pattern to the includes list, usefull for debugging tests |
vmargs | List | - | Additional vm arguments to pass the jvm |